Transforming Church, Transforming Lives Prayer Stations (Prayer Stations PST006)

To bring the 12 Guildford Diocesan goals to life in a multi-sensory way; enabling people to pray for transformation in their lives and in the life of their church and diocese. These prayer stations can also be used in other settings to facilitate prayer for transformation
Biblical References:
Ephesians 1:3, 1:13, 4:11-13, Matthew 5:13, 5:14-16, 6:33, 16:24, 1Timothy 2:4, Psalm 25:5, 78:4b, 119:103, 1Peter 4:10, 5:2-3, Luke 10:27, Philippians 1:4-5, John 12:3, Haggai 1:4

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