- Aim:
- To show that although the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with their questions, Jesus was able to see through their desire to entrap Him and give a wise answer.
- Theme
- Entrapment, Image of God
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 22:15-22, Genesis 1:27
Short Talks
These are scripts for three to five minute All-Age talks. They will typically be used in church services before children and young people leave for their own age group teaching.
They could also be used as a start point for simple addresses on a variety of occasions for example during an All-Age communion service.
New series based on Lectionary readings being added weekly. Search using Lectionary Sunday eg. “Lectionary 12.”
New resources are being added regularly – follow us on twitter for updates.
The Invitation – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 19th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT067a)
- Aim:
- To show that each one of us has been invited to be part of God's kingdom and to encourage people to respond.
- Theme
- Invitation, Kingdom of God
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 22:1-14, Revelation 19:7b
The Stone the Builders Rejected – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 18th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT066a)
- Aim:
- To challenge people with the truth that although Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leaders, He is in fact the most important person in the world, who is vindicated by His resurrection
- Theme
- Jesus, Cornerstone
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 21:33-46
Who has entered the kingdom of God? – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 17th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT065a)
- Aim:
- To challenge people with the truth that the person who has entered the kingdom of God shows it by their actions. It is not the person who looks good or who speaks a good line!
- Theme
- Obedience, Repentance
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 21:23-32
Is it Fair? – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 16th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT064a)
- Aim:
- To challenge people with the truths that: 1) God has no "inner circle" of favourites but gives each person who turns to Him His gift of salvation, and 2) We cannot earn God's gift; He gives it to us and then out of gratitude we serve Him.
- Theme
- Salvation, Serving God
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 20:1-16
The Gift for Everyone – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 15th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT063a)
- Aim:
- To encourage people to forgive those who have hurt them.
- Theme
- Forgiveness
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 18:21-35
What can we throw away? – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 14th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT062a)
- Aim:
- To encourage people not to "throw away" their relationships when they are broken, but to work for reconciliation.
- Theme
- Reconciliation, Forgiveness
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 18:15-20
“Are we called to the easy life?” – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 13th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT061a)
- Aim:
- To encourage each person to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus
- Theme
- Sacrifice, Service, Obedience
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 16:21-28
Jesus asks us: “Who do you say I am?” – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 12th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT218a)
- Aim:
- To challenge people to answer Jesus' question: "Who do you say I am?"
- Theme
- Jesus, Messiah
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 16:13-20
God looks on the inside – Lectionary Year A 2023 – The 11th Sunday after Trinity (Short Talk SHT217a)
- Aim:
- To challenge people with Jesus' truth that it is what is in our hearts that defiles us.
- Theme
- Heart, Sin, Hypocrisy
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 15:10-28