- Aim:
- To encourage people to be ready for King Jesus' return by making the right preparations.
- Theme
- Advent, John the Baptist, Repentance, Second coming, Jesus
- Biblical References:
- Luke 3:1-18, Matthew 24:42, Romans 13:11-14, 1Thessalonians 4:16-17
Seasonal All Age Services
This section contains a variety of material for special points in the church year; from Christmas Crib Services led by Camel Puppets to a Multi-Sensory Maundy Thursday alternative communion to an interactive Good Friday service.
New resources are being added regularly – follow us on twitter for updates.
Nativity Play for Primary Schools – “The Big Story of God” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW025)
- Aim:
- 1) To produce a video of “The big story of God,” that celebrates the birth of Jesus and puts it into context. 2) To enable each child in 7 classes to have a part to play, while keeping classes separate.
- Theme
- Nativity, Christmas
- Biblical References:
- Genesis 1, 3, Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Mark 1:1-8, Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1;18-25, Luke 2:1-20, Matthew 2:1-12
Christmas Day – Good News of Great Joy! (Seasonal All Age Serivce SAAW024)
- Aim:
- To enable all ages on Christmas Day to respond to the "good news of great joy" that Jesus has been born to be our Saviour and to invite us into His kingdom.
- Theme
- Christmas Day, Jesus, Saviour
- Biblical References:
- Luke 2:1-20, Psalm 40:1-3
Pentecost: “Promise, Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW023)
- Aim:
- To celebrate the first coming of the Holy Spirit and to teach that the Holy Spirit came: 1) as Jesus promised, 2) to equip followers of Jesus with power to live for Him and to be His witnesses and 3) to bring the presence of God to be with us always.
- Theme
- Pentecost, Holy Spirit
- Biblical References:
- Acts 1:4-5, 8 Acts 2:1-21, Matthew 28:19-20
Easter Day: “Jesus is Alive!” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW022)
- Aim:
- To celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead and that because of this: i) our sins can be forgiven, ii) we can know God as Father and iii) we have a future hope
- Theme
- Easter Day, Jesus, Resurrection, Forgiveness, Sin, Hope, Father God
- Biblical References:
- John 20:1-11, 1Corinthians 15:6, Acts 10:34-43, Ephesians 2:8-9
Lent: “In the Wilderness” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW021)
- Aim:
- To teach that we like Jesus, will be tested at different points in our lives. To look at one of the main tests that we face in the "Wilderness School" ie: "Do we trust Father God or not?"
- Theme
- Lent, Wilderness, Trust
- Biblical References:
- Mark 1:9-13, Habakkuk 3:17-18, Deuteronomy 8:2-4, Romans 8:28, Psalm 46:1-2, 2Corinthians 1:3-4, 1John 3:1a, John 1:12, 1Corinthians 10:13, Philippians 4:19, Hebrews 13:5b
Christmas Day: A very special gift (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW020)
- Aim:
- To enable all ages to see that at Christmas God came close to us through Jesus; making it possible for us to live in close relationship with Him both now and eternally.
- Theme
- Christmas
- Biblical References:
- John 1:14, Luke 2:1-20, Philippians 2:7, Matthew 20:28, John 1:12-13, James 4:8
Harvest: “Whose world is it?” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW019)
- Aim:
- To teach that: 1) The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. 2) We have been called to look after it and 3) God wants us to act against the injustice of poverty.
- Theme
- Harvest, Justice, Hunger
- Biblical References:
- Psalm 24:1, 1Chronicles 29:11a, Genesis 1:27-31a, Proverbs 19:17, Matthew 25:35a, 1John 3:17-18
Crib Service “The Gift that Lasts” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW018)
- Aim:
- To present the story of the birth of Jesus, the gift that lasts, using puppet camels, drama and carols
- Theme
- Birth of Jesus, Christmas
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 2:1-12, Luke 1:26-28, 2:1-20
Crib Service “The Greatest Story in History” (Seasonal All Age Service SAAW017)
- Aim:
- To present the story of the birth of Jesus, the greatest story in history, using drama and carols
- Theme
- Birth of Jesus, Christmas
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 2:1-12, Luke 1:26-28, 2:1-20