- Aim:
- To teach that Jesus doesn't condemn us when we sin but calls us to repentance. To challenge people to follow Jesus' example and "lay down their stones" of condemnation.
- Theme
- Jesus, Sin, Condemnation
- Biblical References:
- John 7:53-8:11, Romans 8:1
Short All Age Services
These Short All-Age worship service Scripts are designed to last about 30 minutes.
The services are written “as a whole” so that the talks, music, prayers, puppet scripts, dramas and links all flow towards a common purpose – be that to teach or challenge or inspire.
New resources are being added regularly – follow us on twitter for updates.
Encountering Jesus (3) Samaritan Woman (Short All Age Service ShortAAW015)
- Aim:
- To teach that Jesus showed the Samaritan woman grace and He offered to satisfy her deep spiritual thirst with the gift of living water. He does the same for us too.
- Theme
- Jesus, Samaritan woman, Grace, Gift
- Biblical References:
- John 4:1-30
Encountering Jesus (2) Zacchaeus (Short All Age Service ShortAAW014)
- Aim:
- To challenge people to seek Jesus as their "treasure" rather than money and possessions.
- Theme
- Jesus, Zacchaeus, Treasure, Money
- Biblical References:
- Luke 19:1-10, Romans 2:4b
Encountering Jesus (1) Simon Peter (Short All Age Service ShortAAW013)
- Aim:
- To enable people to discover that Jesus is awesome, holy and merciful and to respond to Him.
- Theme
- Jesus, Peter, Awesome, Holy, Mercy
- Biblical References:
- Luke 5:1-11, Isaiah 55:9
The Big Story of God Contents
- Aim:
- A list of the "Big Story of God" Short All Age Services
The Big Story of God 12: The Church is the people of God (Short All Age Service ShortAAW012)
- Aim:
- To teach what the church is and what its purpose is today.
- Theme
- Church, Holy Trinity, Worship, Community, Evangelism, People of God
- Biblical References:
- 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9, Ephesians 2:19-22, Matthew 3:16-17, Mark 16:15
The Big Story of God 11: The Holy Spirit comes in power (Short All Age Service ShortAAW011)
- Aim:
- To teach that God first sent His Holy Spirit upon the church at Pentecost and continues to send His Holy Spirit to believers today.
- Theme
- Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Sanctification, Evangelism, Gifts of the Spirit
- Biblical References:
- Acts 2:1-8, 11b-21, 36-41, Romans 8:15-17, Ephesians 1:13-14, John 16:8, 7:37, Galatians 5:22, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
The Big Story of God 10: Jesus is King (Short All Age Service ShortAAW010)
- Aim:
- To teach that Jesus is King and to encourage a response of worship and obedience
- Theme
- Ascension, Jesus is King, Second coming, Worship, Obedience
- Biblical References:
- Acts 1:8-11, Luke 24:46-52, Matthew 28:16-20, Philippians 2:9-11, Ephesians 1:20-21
The Big Story of God 9: Jesus died and rose again (Short All Age Service ShortAAW009)
- Aim:
- To teach people about what Jesus achieved through his death and resurrection and to challenge people to think about who Jesus really is.
- Theme
- Jesus, Son of God, Salvation, Easter
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 11:4-5, 16:15, 26:14-16, 47-67, 27:11-26, 32-54, 57-61, 28:1-10, John 5:18, 10:36
The Big Story of God 8: Jesus came to give us life (Short All Age Service ShortAAW008)
- Aim:
- To teach that Jesus came to give us life, and to encourage people to receive life.
- Theme
- Life, Jesus' ministry, Healing, Salvation, Teaching
- Biblical References:
- John 10:10, Luke 4:14-21, Matthew 13:44-46, Mark 10:46-52