- Aim:
- To enable families to grow in their relationship with Jesus during Lent
- Theme
- Lent
- Biblical References:
- Genesis 1:31, 2:16-17, Matthew 22:37-39, John 3:16-17, 9:35, 38, Matthew 21:8-9, Luke 23:33-34, Matthew 28:5-6
Praying Together
These resources have been provided to equip people as they pray together; either in twos and threes or in larger gatherings.
Much of the material has been written with adults in mind, however many of the ideas could be used with children and young people too.
New resources are being added regularly.
Holy Week Bag (Praying Together PTR020)
- Aim:
- The aim of the Holy Week bag is to provide a resource that can be used daily between Palm Sunday and Easter Day that will enable families to reflect on the Easter story and to grow in their relationship with Jesus.
- Theme
- Holy Week, Jesus, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 21:1-11, John 3:16-17, Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75, Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50, Matthew 26:26-28, Luke 23:33-43, Luke 23:56b, Matthew 28:1-10
Advent Family Prayer Bag (Praying Together PTR019)
- Aim:
- To enable families to grow in their relationship with Jesus during Advent
- Theme
- Advent, Christmas, Jesus
- Biblical References:
- Luke 1:30-32, 2:4-5, 2:7, 2:11, Matthew 2:11
Lent Family Prayer Bag (Praying Together PTR018)
- Aim:
- To enable families to grow in their relationship with Jesus during Lent
- Theme
- Lent
- Biblical References:
- Colossians 3:12, 1John1:8-10, Matthew 6:14-15, Psalm 136:1, Matthew 10:8, John 3:16, Matthew 28:5-6
Flyer for “EggLent” Calendar
- Aim:
- Simple flyer to give to parents explaining what the "EggLent" Calendar is
- Theme
- Lent
“EggLent” Calendar: “Who do you say I am?” (Praying Together PTR017)
- Aim:
- To enable families to grow in their relationship with Jesus during Lent.
- Theme
- Lent
- Biblical References:
- John 3-14,18-21, Psalm 32:1-2, Romans 5:1-11, Matthew 1:18-25, 21:1-11, Luke 1:26-38, 2:33-35
Ideas for praying together around the theme of: “Honouring God with our Church Buildings” (Praying Together PTR016)
- Aim:
- To enable a church prayer meeting to pray around the theme of honouring God with our church buildings
- Theme
- Church buildings
- Biblical References:
- Haggai 1:3-4, 1Peter 2:4-10
Ideas for praying together around the theme of: “Communicating well with the Community” (Praying Together PTR015)
- Aim:
- To enable a church prayer meeting to pray around the theme of communicating well with the community
- Theme
- Communication
- Biblical References:
- John 13:34-35, Matthew 6:14-16
Ideas for praying together around the theme of: “Sharing Expertise” (Praying Together PTR014)
- Aim:
- To enable a church prayer meeting to pray around the theme of sharing expertise
- Theme
- Sharing expertise
- Biblical References:
- 1Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-8, Matthew 6:33
Ideas for praying together around the theme of: “Giving of Resources” (Praying Together PTR013)
- Aim:
- To enable a church prayer meeting to pray around the theme of giving of resources
- Theme
- Giving
- Biblical References:
- Mark 15:21-37, John 3:16-17, 2Corinthians 8:9, Matthew 6:19, 6:24, Luke 19:1-10, Psalm 24:1, 42:1-2, Hebrews 13:5