Prayer Stations

I have found that Interactive multi-sensory prayer stations are accessible to people of all ages. The scripts provided include details of how to set up the prayer stations and all the different bits that you will need. Photographs of prayer stations are also provided to give you an idea of how they can be created.

As the stations are very visual, try and set them up in a room(s) that is quite empty of clutter so that people’s eyes aren’t distracted from the stations.  If it is not possible to do this, cover up the clutter with large sheets or table-cloths.

I have found that playing background music quietly can help people focus and engage with the prayer stations.   Background music that I have found work is as follows:

  • Ruth Fazal – “Songs from the River” Volumes I, II, III and IV
  • Julian & Melissa Wiggins – “Breathless” and “Face to Face”
  • Vineyard Worship Piano Classics

When people are accessing prayer stations, there shouldn’t be more than three adults at a station at any one time, or a small group of five to six children if they are being taken around by a leader.

If the prayer stations are staying in place for a few days, ensure that you have someone to keep a discreet eye on the stations, keeping consumables topped up etc.  Don’t ever run out of anything!

Expect God to meet people as they engage with Him through the prayer stations.

To browse all the scripts click here

Further Advice

I can provide further advice by email or lead seminars for your All-Age Worship Team.