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Aim: To encourage people that Jesus has the power to calm the storms in our lives, when we go to Him and ask for His help Theme Jesus, Power, Storms, Trust Biblical References: Mark 4:35-41
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Aim: To encourage people with some of the ways that the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives. Theme Pentecost, Gift, Holy Spirit, Presence, Power Biblical References: John 14:16-18, John 16:7-11, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:5-9
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Aim: To unpack some of the actions of the Holy Spirit within a believer's life Theme Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Water, Thirst, Satisfaction, Life, Cleansing, Transformation, Power, Equipping Biblical References: John 7:37-39
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Aim: To encourage people that Jesus being raised from the dead is very good news indeed. Theme Jesus, Easter Sunday, Resurrection, Love, Power Biblical References: John 20:1-18, Matthew 28:1-10
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Aim: To encourage people that Jesus is much more powerful than Satan and that His power to bless us is much stronger than Satan's power to destroy us Theme Jesus, Power, Freedom, Satan, Blessing Biblical References: Luke 8:26-39
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Aim: To teach that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples, equipping them with power to follow Jesus. The Holy Spirit continues to be given to Jesus' disciples today for the same reason. Theme Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Power, Discipleship Biblical References: John 14:8-17, Acts 2:1-21, 1:8, Matthew 5:14, 28:19-20, Luke 11:13
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Aim: To encourage people that when they are going through storms in life, Jesus is with them and can bring them His peace if they turn to Him in faith. Theme Storms, Fear, Jesus, Power, Faith, Peace Biblical References: Luke 8:22-25, Mark 4:39
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Aim: To encourage people that Jesus has the power to calm the storms in our lives, when we go to Him and ask for His help Theme Jesus, Power, Storms, Trust Biblical References: Mark 4:35-41
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Aim: To teach that on Palm Sunday Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah (God's King) when He entered Jerusalem riding a donkey. He is a humble, courageous and servant king, whose glory was seen when He laid down His life on the cross. Theme Palm Sunday, Jesus, Power, Peace, Service Biblical References: John 12:12-16, Mark 11:1-11
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Aim: To teach that Jesus has all authority and power, and we need to listen to Him and obey Him Theme Jesus, Authority, Power, Listening, Obedience Biblical References: Mark 1:21-28
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