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Aim: To encourage people to listen to God as well as to talk with Him when they pray Theme Prayer, Listening Biblical References: 1Samuel 3:9-10, Matthew 17:5, John 10:3-5
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Aim: To encourage people that Jesus, the Lord of all creation is with them through the "storm" of Covid19 Theme Storms, Fear, Promise, Presence, Prayer Biblical References: Matthew 8:23-27, Matthew 14:22-33, Hebrews 13:5b-6, Philippians 4:6-7
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Aim: To challenge people to humble themselves before God when they pray, rather than approaching Him with pride, so that they can be in right relationship with Him. Theme Prayer, Pride, Humility, Justification, Self-Righteousness Biblical References: Luke 18:9-14
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Aim: To encourage people to keep on praying and not to give up, even when the answers to their prayers seem slow in coming. Theme Prayer, Perseverance, Faith Biblical References: Luke 18:1-8
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Aim: To encourage people to ask God for what they need; asking especially for the Holy Spirit. Theme Father, Prayer, Asking, Perseverance, Promise, Holy Spirit Biblical References: Luke 11:1-13
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Aim: To encourage people to take time to be with Jesus; listening to Him and talking with Him and ignoring the distractions that seek to draw them away from Him. Theme Jesus, Prayer, Listening, Distractions Biblical References: Luke 10:38-42
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Aim: To teach that Jesus prayed just before He died that His Father would look after His disciples and protect them from spiritual harm. Theme Jesus, Prayer, Protection, Evil Biblical References: John 17:6-19
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Aim: To unpack what Jesus meant when He said: "I am the vine; you are the branches" Theme Jesus, Vine, Fruit of the Spirit, Prayer Biblical References: John 15;1, 5-8, Isaiah 5:7, John 1:4, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 8:29
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Aim: To enable people to bless others Theme Prayer Biblical References: Numbers 6:22-27
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Aim: To enable people to pray a prayer of commitment to Jesus Theme Commitment to Jesus
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