- Aim:
- To teach that each member of the body of Christ has a vital part to play
- Theme
- Church, Body of Christ, Serving, Ministry
- Biblical References:
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-end, Romans 12:4-8
Drama Scripts
A simple Dramatic presentation can bring Jesus’ story telling style of teaching to life.
These scripts are provided with full permission for public performance provided you are not charging for admission or making a film which will be distributed. If you do want to use them at an event where people pay for admission or to record them please contact us to discuss details.
New resources are being added regularly – follow us on twitter for updates.
Argument in the car (Drama DRA002)
- Aim:
- To show how easy it is to walk the path of unforgiveness and to keep a "record of wrongs" against another person
- Theme
- Forgiveness
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 6:12, 6:14-15, 1 Corinthians 13:5
Wrong ways to pray (Drama DRA001)
- Aim:
- To teach what Jesus says about wrong and right ways of praying
- Theme
- Praying
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 6:5-13, 7:7-8, 15:8