- Aim:
- To show people that our actions have a ripple effect upon others - either for good or for bad
- Theme
- The ripple effect of our actions on others, community
- Biblical References:
- John 6:1-13
Drama Scripts
A simple Dramatic presentation can bring Jesus’ story telling style of teaching to life.
These scripts are provided with full permission for public performance provided you are not charging for admission or making a film which will be distributed. If you do want to use them at an event where people pay for admission or to record them please contact us to discuss details.
New resources are being added regularly – follow us on twitter for updates.
The Auction (Drama DRA022)
- Aim:
- To open people's eyes to the dehumanising issue of slavery
- Theme
- slavery, freedom
- Biblical References:
- Exodus 5:1-9, 5:22-6:1, Deuteronomy 5:6, Luke 4:16-21, Galatians 5:1
Completely clean clothes (Drama DRA021)
- Aim:
- To show that we need to be clothed in Jesus' righteousness if we want to be in relationship with Father God
- Theme
- Holiness of God, sin, righteousness by faith
- Biblical References:
- Romans 3:9-26, Galatians 3:27
Is He Lord? (Drama DRA020)
- Aim:
- To encourage christians to offer every part of themselves and their lives to the Lord
- Theme
- Lordship of Christ, surrender
- Biblical References:
- Romans 6:11-13
Interviewing travellers en route to the heavenly city (Drama DRA019)
- Aim:
- To show that the Bible is the source of truth we need in order to walk God's way
- Theme
- Bible, truth
- Biblical References:
- Psalm 25:5, 119:105, Proverbs 3:5, Colossians 3:16
The race (Drama DRA018)
- Aim:
- To show that the Christian life is like a marathon race and that we need to "run it" with perseverance, keeping our focus on the goal of being with the Lord
- Theme
- Perseverance, future hope
- Biblical References:
- Hebrews 12:1-3, Philippians 3:14
Waiting for the Master’s return (Drama DRA017)
- Aim:
- To encourage people to keep going with what God has called them to do while they are waiting for Jesus to return
- Theme
- The second coming of Jesus, Advent, perseverance, serving, faithfulness
- Biblical References:
- Mark 13:32-37
I can change your life! (Drama DRA016)
- Aim:
- To open up the subject of "transformation" in a humorous way
- Theme
- Transformation, trusting Jesus
- Biblical References:
- Luke 8:26-39, 8:40-56, 13:10-17, 19:1-10
Which way should I go? (Drama DRA015)
- Aim:
- To demonstrate to people that we cannot walk with "one foot in the world" and "one foot in the kingdom of God!"
- Theme
- Repentance, holy living
- Biblical References:
- Mark 1:15, Colossians 3:1-10
Auction of items worthy of worship (Drama DRA014)
- Aim:
- To reveal that there are many things competing for our worship, and that we need to choose to worship God above everything else
- Theme
- Worship, idolatry
- Biblical References:
- Matthew 4:10, John 4:23-24, Joshua 24:14, Revelation 4:11, 5:12